A VPC is your very own private cloud within AWS. Think of it as a DataCenter that you build with your own specifications and will be the place you build and deploy your cloud environment. In this article, I will teach you how to create a Custom VPC within AWS. Please note that this is different from the default VPCs that AWS creates for you when you setup an account. What you will need: 1. An AWS account ( Creating and AWS Free Tier account ) 2. Location of your target end users 3. Number of Private and/or Public subnets required 4. A Network CIDR range of your choice depending on your requirements There are 2 ways to create VPCs. 1. Using the VPC Wizard 2. Creating VPC from scratch For demonstration purposes let us assume these requirements: 1. End users are located in the US Northern Virginia 2. You need 1 Private subnet with outbound access to the internet and 1 Public subnet 3. CIDR Method 1: Creating a VPC using the VPC Wizard 1. Login to the A
This blog contains information regarding Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides information about the current available AWS services including new releases, quick reference guides, use cases, projects, and a whole lot more useful tidbits for AWS Cloud professionals, enthusiasts, or just anyone wanting to learn about the AWS IaaS Cloud technology.